Metamateriali per la lotta al cancro | Maria Principe | TEDxLUCCA
Meta-materials are artificial materials designed to exhibit optical and physical properties that surpass those of natural materials. Their history dates back to the Roman era, with the famous Lycurgus Cup—a remarkable example of an artificial material with unique optical effects.
In recent years, meta-materials have been used to develop groundbreaking devices, such as microwave invisibility cloaks and biomedical sensors integrated into optical fibers.
Meta-surfaces, the 2D counterparts of meta-materials, offer extraordinary properties with ultra-thin structures, making them easier to integrate into real-world applications. Their potential spans various fields, from telecommunications to the automotive industry and biomedical applications.
This talk presents research conducted by the Optoelectronics group at the University of Sannio, which has developed a tumor marker detector based on meta-surfaces integrated into optical fibers. This device can detect even extremely low concentrations of tumor markers in biological fluids, paving the way for early and minimally invasive cancer screening.
È una scienziata italiana appassionata di fisica, mamma di tre figli. Ha lavorato per anni all’esperimento per la rivelazione delle onde gravitazionali, firmando il lavoro che ha portato alla prima rivelazione diretta e vincendo nel 2018 il premio L’OREAL-Unesco for Women in Science per giovani ricercatrici under 35.
Attualmente si dedica allo studio dei metamateriali ottici, una tecnologia innovativa con molteplici applicazioni. Attraverso la divulgazione scientifica, mira a stimolare il pubblico a osservare la realtà, porsi domande e comprendere l’importanza della fisica nel mondo moderno e futuro. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at