What can a broken shell can teach us? | Sy Montgomery | TEDxBoston

Some found love during the COVID pandemic, but celebrated author Sy Montgomery was not expecting to fall for a this bachelor. While volunteering at a turtle rescue facility amid lockdowns and uncertainties, an injured 42-pound wild snapping turtle taught the author that we all have the power to help mend our shattered world. When the student is ready, the turtle appears. Researching articles, films, and her 38 books for adults and children, nationally bestselling author Sy Montgomery has been chased by an angry silverback gorilla in Rwanda, hunted by a tiger in India, and swum with piranhas, electric eels and pink dolphins in the Amazon. Her work has taken her from the cloud forest of Papua New Guinea (for a book on tree kangaroos) to the Altai Mountains of the Gobi (for another on snow leopards.) For THE SOUL OF AN OCTOPUS (a National Book Award finalist) she befriended octopuses at the New England aquarium and scuba dived and snorkeled with wild octopuses in Mexico and French Polynesia; next she drew on her scuba skills to cage dive with great white sharksand swim freely with giant oceanic manta rays.

For her most recent national bestseller for adults, Of Time and Turtles, she befriended a 42-pound wild snapping turtle named Fire Chief, who shows his extraordinary trust by allowing her to feed him by hand. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx